Legend harmonization

To create the unified interface that Macrostrat provides, registered maps must be structurally harmonized to a small, semantically meaningful set of data fields. This step will align the geologic properties (lithologies, ages, types, etc.) with Macrostrat's internal representations. This alignment provides value to our ends users by allowing them to query for these geometry characteristics on a global scale.

The following guide details how to use the purpose built user interface to harmonize new data to Macrostrat's internal representation.


Hide, Group by and Copy/Paste columns

To hide and group by columns, click on the column header and select the appropriate option. To reveal previously hidden columns, click on the menu icon ( ) in the top left corner of the table and click Show all.

Copy and Paste Columns

To copy a column, click on the column header to select it, then using cmd + c copy that column. To then paste that column click on the column header where you would like to paste the column and use cmd + v.

Filtering Columns

To filter a column, hover the column header to reveal the menu dropdown. Clicking on the menu dropdown will reveal the filtering options. The filter option can be selected from the selection input and the text input into the text box below.

Keyboard Navigation

To navigate the table using the keyboard, use the following commands:

  • tab/shift + tab - Navigate Cells Horizontally
  • enter/shift + enter - Navigate Cells Vertically

Other Features

  • Purpose built interfaces for certain columns ( Example: Selection interface for all valid age intervals )
  • View of running operations, as well as push and clear functionality
  • Virtualized 'infinite' scrolling of table data to keep data downloads web friendly
  • Group based auth to prevent outside changes
  • Download the ingested map files to view metadata
  • Request a new feature

Process Overview

1. Select the map you wish to process

Log in and find the map that you wish to process on the ingestion page, clicking "Edit" will bring you into the ingestion interface.

2. Download the ingested maps metadata

Click on the Download source button to download the metadata for the ingested map, you may need this to provide more context about the values shown in the table if they are incomplete.

3. Use the interface to reconcile the map

Using the table interface the user manipulates the ingested data into standardized fields made easier through the above features.

The starred columns (★) denote the columns that are intended to be populated by the non-star columns which are populated via the ingestion process.

Starred columns

All the columns in addition to these are filled in from the ingested map and can typically be transformed via the table interface to populate these values. Otherwise, we provide the original .zip file that was ingested to help locate the appropriate README files.


Unique ids for each polygon. You can check a column for uniqueness by grouping by that column and asserting the row count has not changed.


Description of the polygon.


This column is a True/False column used to omit the polygons from the final output and table view.


Name of the polygon, typically taken from the ingestion.


Name of the stratigraphy.


Age of the polygon.

Note: This is one of the most important fields in Macrostrat, and is used to intersect the map with our age model.

Often, age ranges can be inferred from the symbology used to discuss them. Further reading:


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