Macrostrat Projects

North America

Composite column dataset for the USA and Canada.

Columns: 1076, in process: 6, obsolete: 121; Units: 27031


Comprehensive dataset capturing all offshore drilling sites and holes. Holes at each site are captured as 'section' column types and meters below sea floor (mbsf) are encoded by 't_pos' and 'b_pos' when 'show_position' parameter is included. Project led by Andy Fraass, Leah LeVay, Jocelyn Sessa, and Shanan Peters.

Columns: 436, in process: 3478, obsolete: 0; Units: 9184

Deep Sea

Offshore drilling sites completely cored from sea floor into or near basement rocks. Most sites in this compilation are composited manually from multiple holes into a single representation for the site. Data compiled from offshore drilling reports by S.E. Peters, D.C. Kelly, and A.Fraass. See project_id=3 ('eODP') for complete offshore drilling data and associated measurements.

Columns: 133, in process: 1, obsolete: 0; Units: 7356

New Zealand

Primarily measured section-type columns for Late Cretaceous to Recent.

Columns: 584, in process: 265, obsolete: 0; Units: 2866


Placeholder for anticipated column entry work.

Columns: 1, in process: 1, obsolete: 0; Units: 32


Composite column dataset for the Caribbean region, including the eastern Gulf Coast of Mexico and Central America.

Columns: 64, in process: 0, obsolete: 0; Units: 798

South America

Composite column dataset for South America.

Columns: 61, in process: 3, obsolete: 0; Units: 1238


Composite column dataset for Africa.

Columns: 2, in process: 0, obsolete: 0; Units: 41

North American Ediacaran

Composite columns of intermediate scale resolution that are comprehensive for the Ediacaran System of present-day North America and adjacent continental blocks formerly part of North America. Compiled by D. Segessenman as part of his Ph.D.

Columns: 212, in process: 212, obsolete: 0; Units: 1357

North American Cretaceous

Cretaceous-focused intermediate scale resolution section data set compiled by Shan Ye as part of his Ph.D.

Columns: 1, in process: 1, obsolete: 0; Units: 13


Composite column dataset for Indonesia. Compiled principally by Afiqah Ahmad Rafi as part of her senior thesis at UW-Madison.

Columns: 25, in process: 25, obsolete: 0; Units: 212