literature utilizing Macrostrat
- Gazdewich, S., T. Hauck, J. Husson. 2024. Authigenic carbonate burial within the Late Devonian western Canada sedimentary bsain and its impact on the global carbon cycle. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1029/2023GC011376. [link]
- Segessenman, D.C. and S.E. Peters. 2024. Transgression-regression cycles drive correlations in Ediacaran-Cambrian rock and fossil records. Paleobiology 10.1017/pab.2023.31. [link]
- Quinn, D.P., C.R. Idzikowski, S.E. Peters. 2023. Building a multi-scale, collaborative, and time-integrated digital crust: The next stage of the Macrostrat data system. Geoscience Data Journal 10.1002/gdj3.189. [link]
- Tasistro-Hart, A.R. and F.A. Macdonald. 2023. Phanerozoic flooding of North America and the Great Unconformity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(37):e2309084120. [link]
- Husson, J.M. and L.A. Coogan. 2023. River chemistry reveals a large decrease in dolomite abundance across the Phanerozoic. Geochemical Perspective Letters 26:1-6. [link]
- Walton, C.R., J. Hao, F. Huang, F.E. Jenner, H. Williams, A.L. Zerkle, A. Lipp, R.M. Hazen, S.E. Peters, O. Shorttle. 2023. Evolution of the crustal phosphorus reservoir. Science Advances 9(18):eade6923. [link]
- Balseiro, D. and M.G. Powell. 2023. Relative oversampling of carbonate rocks in the North American marine fossil record. Paleobiology [link]
- Ye, S., S.E. Peters. 2023. Bedrock geological map predictions for Phanerozoic fossil occurrences. Paleobiology 49(3):394-413. [link]
- Wang, J., Tarhan, L.G., Jacobson, A.D. et al. 2023. The evolution of the marine carbonate factory. Nature [link]
- Capel, E., C. Monnet, C.J. Cleal, J. Xue, T. Servais, B. Cascales-Miñana. 2023. The effect of geological biases on our perception of early land plant radiation. Palaeontology 66:e12644 [link]
- Sessa, J.A., A.J. Fraass, LJ. LeVay, K.M. Jamson, S.E. Peters. 2023. The Extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Synthesizing Scientific Ocean Drilling Data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems [link]
- Segessenman, D.C. and S.E. Peters. 2023. Macrostratigraphy of the Ediacaran system in North America. In "Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent." S.J. Whitmeyer, M.L. Williams, D.A. Kellett, B. Tikoff, eds. GSA Memoir. [link]
- Boulila, S., S.E. Peters, R.D. Müller, B.U. Haq, N.Hara. 2023. Earth’s interior dynamics drive marine fossil diversity cycles of tens of millions of years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences e2221149120 [link]
- Peters, S.E., D. Quinn, J.M. Husson, R.R. Gaines. 2022. Macrostratigraphy: insights into cyclic and secular evolution of the Earth-life system. Ann. Rev. Earth & Planet. Sci. 50:419-449 [link]
- Emmings, J.F., S.W. Poulton, J. Walsh, K.A. Leeming, I. Ross, S.E. Peters. 2022. Pyrite mega-analysis reveals modes of anoxia through geologic time. Science Advances 8(11). [link]
- Chen, G., Q. Cheng, S.E. Peters, C.J. Spencer, M. Zhao. 2022. Feedback between surface and deep processes: insight from time series analysis of sedimentary record. Earth and Planet. Sci. Letters. [link]
- Peters, S.E. et al. 2021. Igneous rock area and age in continental crust. Geology. doi:10.1130/G49037.1. [link]
- Loughney, K.M., C. Badgley, A. Bahadori, W.E. Hold, and E.T. Rasbury. 2021. Tectonic influence on Cenozoic mammal richness and sedimentation history of the Basin and Range, western North America. Science Advances 7(45):p.eabh4470. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abh4470
- Key, M.M. Jr., P.N.W. Jackson, C.M. Reid. 2021. Trepostome bryozoans buck the trend and ignore calcite-aragonite seas. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. doi:10.1007/s12549-021-00507-x. [link]
- Lipp, A.G. et al. 2021. The composition and weathering of the continents over geologic time. Geochemical Perspectives Letters. doi:10.7185/geochemlet.2109. [link]
- Barnes, B.D., J.M. Husson, S.E. Peters. 2020. Authigenic carbonate burial in the Late Devonian–Early Mississippian Bakken Formation (Williston Basin, USA). Sedimentology. doi:10.1111/sed.12695. [link]
- Close, R.A. et al. 2020. The spatial structure of Phanerozoic marine animal diversity. Science doi:10.1126/science.aay8309. [link]
- Balseiro, D. and Powell, M.G. 2019. Carbonate collapse and the Late Paleozoic Ice Age marine biodiversity crisis. Geology doi:10.1130/G46858.1. [link]
- Keller, C.B., J.M. Husson, R.N. Mitchell, W.F. Bottke, T.M. Gernon, P. Boehnke, E.A. Bell, N.L. Swanson-Hysell, S.E. Peters. 2019. Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity. Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci. USA. 116(4):1136-1145. doi:10.1073/pnas.1804350116 [link]
- Keating-Bitonti, C.R., and S.E. Peters. 2019. Influence of increasing carbonate saturation in Atlantic bottom water during the late Miocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 518:134-142. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.01.006[link]
- Cohen, P.A., R. Lockwood, S.E. Peters. 2018. Integrating Macrostrat and Rockd into undergraduate Earth Science Teaching. Elements of Paleontology. doi:10.1017/9781108681445 [link]
- Isson, T.T., and N.J. Planavsky. 2018. Reverse weathering as a long-term stabilizer of marine pH and planetary climate. Nature 560:571-475. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0408-4 [link]
- Husson, J.M. and S.E. Peters. 2018. Nature of the sedimentary rock record and its implications for Earth system evolution. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences. doi:10.1042/ETLS20170152 [link]
- Peters, S.E., J.M. Husson. 2018. We need a global comprehensive stratigraphic database: here’s a start. The Sedimentary Record 16(1). doi:10.2110/sedred.2018.1 [link]
- Peters, S.E., J.M. Husson, J. Czaplewski. 2018. Macrostrat: a platform for geological data integration and deep-time Earth crust research. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. [link]
Preprint available on EarthArXiv 27,Jan18. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/YNAXW [link] - Schachat, S.R., C.C. Labandeira, M.R. Saltzman, B.D. Cramer, J.L. Payne, C.K. Boyce. 2018. Phanerozoic pO2 and the early evolution of terrestrial animals. Proc. Roy. Soc. B.[link]
- Zaffos, A., S. Finnegan, S.E. Peters. 2017. Plate tectonic regulation of global marine animal diversity. Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci. USA. [link]
- Peters, S.E., J.M. Husson. J. Wilcots. 2017. Rise and fall of stromatolites in shallow marine environments. Geology. [link]
- Peters, S.E., J.M. Husson. 2017. Sediment cycling on continental and oceanic crust. Geology 45:323-326. [link]
- Husson, J.M., S.E. Peters. 2017. Atmospheric oxygenation driven by unsteady growth of the continental sedimentary reservoir. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 460:68-75. [link]
- Schott, R. 2017. Rockd: Geology at your fingertips in a mobile world. Bulletin of the Eastern Section of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers 67(2):1-4. [link]
- Chan, M.A., S.E. Peters, B. Tikoff. 2016. The future of field geology, open data sharing, and cybertechnology in Earth science. The Sedimentary Record 14:4-10. [link]
- Nelsen, M.P., B.A. DiMichele, S.E. Peters, C.K. Boyce. 2016. Delayed fungal evolution did not cause the Paleozoic peak in coal production. Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci. USA. [link]
- Heavens, N.G. 2015. Injecting climate modeling into deep time studies: ideas for nearly every project. The Sedimentary Record 13:(4)4-10. [link]
- Carroll, A.R. 2015. Geofuels: energy and the Earth. Cambridge University Press. [link]
- Thomson, T.J. and M.L. Droser. 2015. Swimming reptiles make their mark in the Early Triassic: delayed ecologic recovery increased the preservation potential of vertebrate swim tracks. Geology 43:215-218. [link]
- Fraass, A.J., D.C. Kelly, S.E. Peters. 2015. Macroevolutionary history of the planktic foraminifera. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 43:5.1-5.28. [link]
- Fan, Y., S. Richard, R.S. Bristol, S.E. Peters, et al.. 2015. DigitalCrust: A 4D data system of material properties for transforming research on crustal fluid flow. Geofluids 15:372-379. [link]
- Peters, S.E., D.C. Kelly, and A. Fraass. 2013. Oceanographic controls on the diversity and extinction of planktonic foraminifera. Nature. 493:398-401.[link].
- Benson, R.B.J., P.D. Mannion, R.J. Butler, P. Upchurch, A. Goswami, and S.E. Evans. 2012. Cretaceous tetrapod fossil record sampling and faunal turnover: implications for biogeography and the rise of modern clades. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. [link].
- Rook, D.L., N.A. Heim, and J. Marcot. 2012.Contrasting patterns and connections of rock and biotic diversity in the marine and non-marine fossil records of North America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 372:123-129. [link]
- Halevy, I, S.E. Peters, and W.W. Fischer. 2012. Sulfate burial constraints on the Phanerozoic sulfur cycle. Science 337:331-334. doi:10.1126/science.1220224.[link].
- Peters, S.E. and R.R. Gaines. 2012. Formation of the ‘Great Unconformity’ as a trigger for the Cambrian explosion. Nature 484:363-366. doi:10.1038/nature10969. [link].
- Finnegan, S., N.A. Heim, S.E. Peters and W.W. Fischer. 2012. Climate change and the selective signature of the late Ordovician mass extinction. PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1117039109. [link].
- Hannisdal, B. and S.E. Peters. 2011. Phanerozoic Earth system evolution and marine biodiversity. Science 334:1121-1124. [link].
- Butler, R.J. et al. 2011. Sea level, dinosaur diversity and sampling biases: investigating the ‘common cause’ hypothesis in the terrestrial realm. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 278:1165-1170. [link].
- Melott, A.L. and R.K. Bambach 2011. A ubquitous ~62-Myr periodic fluctuation superimposed on general trends in fossil biodiversity II. Evolutionary dynamics associated with period fluctuation in marine diversity. Paleobiology 37:369-382. [link].
- Heim, N.A. and S.E. Peters. 2011. Regional environmental breadth predicts geographic range and longevity in fossil marine genera. PLoS One 6:(5) e18946; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018946 [PDF].
- Peters, S.E. and N.A. Heim. 2011. Macrostratigraphy and macroevolution in marine environments: testing the common-cause hypothesis. In, Smith, A.B., and A. McGowan, eds. Comparing the rock and fossil records: implications for biodiversity.
Special Publication of the Geological Society of London 358:95-104. doi: 10.1144/SP358.7. [link]
- Peters, S.E. and N.A. Heim. 2011. The stratigraphic distribution of marine fossils in North America. Geology 39:259-262; doi: 10.1130/G31442.1. [PDF]
- Finnegan, S., S.E. Peters, and W.W. Fischer. 2011. Late Ordovician-Early Silurian selective extinction patterns in Laurentia and their relationship to climate change. In J.C. Gutiérrez-Marco, I. Rábano, and D. Garcia-Bellido, eds. Ordovician of the World. Cuadernos del Museo Geominera 14: 155-159.
- Meyers, S.R. and S.E. Peters. 2011. A 56 million year rhythm in North American sedimentation during the Phanerozoic. EPSL doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.044. [PDF]
- Heim, N.A. and S.E. Peters. 2011. Covariation in macrostratigraphic and macroevolutionary patterns in the marine record of North America. GSA Bulletin 123:620-630.
- Peters, S.E. and N.A. Heim. 2010. The geological completeness of paleontological sampling in North America. Paleobiology 36:61-79. [PDF].
- Marx, F.G. 2009. Marine mammals through time: when less is more in studying palaeodiversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 138:183-196. [link]
- McGowan, A.J., and A. Smith. 2008. Are global Phanerozoic marine diversity curves truly global? A study of the relationship between regional rock records and global Phanerozoic marine diversity. Paleobiology 34:80-103. [link]
- Mayhew, P.J., G.B. Jenkins, and T.G. Benton. 2008. Long-term association between global temperature and biodiversity, origination and extinction in the fossil record. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275:47-53. [link]
- Peters, S.E. 2008. Environmental determinants of extinction selectivity in the fossil record. Nature 454:626-629.
[PDF] [supplement]
- Peters, S.E. 2008. Macrostratigraphy and its promise for paleobiology. Pp. 205-232 In P.H. Kelley and R.K. Bambach, eds. From evolution to geobiology: research questions driving paleontology at the start of a new century. The Paleontological Society Papers, Vol. 14. 9.[PDF]
- Peters, S.E. and W.I. Ausich. 2008. A sampling-standardized macroevolutionary history for Ordovician-Early Silurian crinoids. Paleobiology 34:104-116. [PDF]
- Smith, A.B. 2007. Marine diversity through the Phanerozoic: problems and prospects. Journal of the Geological Society, London 164:731-745.[link]
- Peters, S.E. 2007. The problem with the Paleozoic. Paleobiology 33:165-181.[PDF]
- Peters, S.E. 2006. Macrostratigraphy of North America. Journal of Geology 114:391-412.[PDF]
- Peters, S.E. 2005. Geologic constraints on the macroevolutionary history of marine animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 102:12326-12331.[PDF]